Anota Aí

Travel Series for Multishow Network

Role: Production Coordinator for Seasons 2, 3. Producer for Seasons 4, 5, 6, 7.

The prime-time television series “Anota Aí”, hosted by Titi Muller, goes after the best and most interesting stuff for travelers to do, eat, drink, shop – and much more! – in cities around the world. In “Anota Aí”, Titi travels around the world to discover the best pizza, the craziest VIP experiences, the biggest thrills, the yummiest street foods and much more. In multiple seasons, the series travelled all over the world, including cities like New York, Dubai, Tokyo, Istanbul, Rome, Berlin, Paris, Kuala Lumpur, London, Kingston, Lisbon and many others.


Anota Aí, Season 6, Miami - Excerpt

Anota Aí, Season 5, Brazil - Excerpt

Anota Aí, Season 4, Portugal - Excerpt

Anota Aí, Season 2, Hong Kong - Excerpt


Mulheres Que Mudam o Mundo (YouTube Originals)


Viver do Riso (Docuseries, TV Globo)